Hi, we are

We are an artist duo based in Melbourne

We are artists, designers and creative technologists and we are here to challenge how technology and art are used  to inspire understanding through a sense of awe, wonder, curiosity and joy. We create art experiences where digital technology is our matter and tool to provide a base where people have room to build over using their own imagination and where they can explore their own creativity.

We love experimentation and continuously invent new approaches for the exploration of art and technology trough workshops, immersive interactive installations and space interventions. Our creations encourage viewers to question the ways of the world and through our work we aim to inspire happiness and joy to cultivate further creativity that fires up a sense of wonder.

Daniel Calvo

Creative & Technical Director
Puts things together and plays music by pressing buttons

Angela Hernandez

Experience Designer
& Art Director
Makes sure all we do is amazing and always knows what’s best


We are very good at...


Communicating Visually

We Create in So Many Ways...


We don’t just create projects, its always a feeling thing for us

We love to express our ideas in many ways